
“TOPIK 한국어 능력 평가 2024년 일정과 신청 안내”

2024년 한국어 TOPIK 능력 평가 일정 안내 Guide to the 2024 Korean TOPIK Competency Assessment Schedule 한국에서 비자 변경이나 비자 연장을 하려는 경우에는 한국어 능력 평가를 반드시 진행해야 하는 경우가 있습니다. 2024년 토픽 시험 TOPIK 일정을 정리해 보았습니다. 이 글 발행일인 2월6일 기준으로 접수 예정이므로 실제 이 글을 보는날 기준에 감안하여 일정을 확인하시기 바랍니다. 구분 […]


문서 없이 말로만 한 영주(F5 비자) 취소는 위법한 처분으로 무효

법원은 최근, 외국인 영주권자 A씨가 출입국·외국인사무소에 대해 제기한 출국명령처분 취소 소송에서 원고의 승리를 선언했습니다. 1.. 원고 A씨의 결혼이민(F6 비자) 및 영주(F5 비자) 취득배경 원고 A씨는 우즈베키스탄 출신 여성으로, 대한민국 국민 B씨와 결혼하여 한국에 체류하고 있었습니다. 그는 2018년 7월에 영주 체류자격을 획득했으며, 이후 B씨와 이혼하고 다른 우즈베키스탄 국적의 C씨와 재혼했습니다. 2. 대사관의 심사 및 실태조사 대한민국 […]

“Enjoy sightseeing while working remotely” … Ministry of Justice introduces ‘workation visa’

“High-income foreigners…’Anticipation for Activation of Local Economy’” The IntroductionThe Ministry of Justice has announced that from January 1, 2022, digital nomad (workation) visas will be piloted. The term “workation” is a blend of work and vacation and refers to working remotely while on vacation or in a tourist destination. Workation visas are currently in operation […]

“Foreigners with deferred departure orders are not eligible for social security benefits “

[ad_1] Foreign Nationals Without Residency are Ineligible for Health Insurance Benefits, According to Court Judgment A Seoul Administrative Court has ruled that foreign nationals who have lost their residency status cannot be eligible for health insurance benefits, even if their departure has been delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The court announced on the 12th […]

1 out of 3 foreign workers earns more than 3 million won per month.

Foreign Workers in South Korea: Income and Employment Trends According to a report recently released by Statistics Korea, “Immigration and Employment Trends in Korea in 2022,” the number of foreign workers is decreasing, the unemployment rate is decreasing, and the number of non-wage workers is increasing. Decrease in Foreign Workers In 2022, the number of […]

There is a solution to the problem of unpaid wages for illegal residents

Protecting the Rights of Undocumented Migrant Workers The issue of unpaid wages for undocumented migrant workers does have a solution. Regardless of their immigration status, these workers can still be guaranteed fair compensation under the domestic “Labor Standards Act”. However, experts argue that there is a need for cross-government discussions to establish support measures that […]